Friday 25 August 2017

Ethical void.

Once again Mr Trump has taken up centre stage both in America and the world. The need to feed his ego took him to Phoenix for the latest rally.
The delivery of his speech was angry and defiant. And very disturbing.
Close ups of his audience revealed people from other rallies, making the commentator wonder how many of the crowd had been paid to be there.
Returning to an election promise he insisted that the Mexican wall would be built even if he had to shut down government to do It!
By now there are many speculations as to his mental health, a real discussion on the presidents mental capacity is ongoing.
Some formerly powerful people are openly discussing his unfitness to hold office.
My American friends are strangely silent on this one...
Many warnings are flying around after the events after Charlottesville and the rally in Phoenix.
The kindest of them think that he will resign rather than face any further criticism.
Others are talking openly about taking drastic action to remove him from power...using the words...."ethical void" in relation to his posturing..
It's all fascinating stuff but also very very scary....we are talking about the person who has the key to the nuclear button!
He is clearly not going to quit. In his head he is taking up the trappings of a King rather than an elected President.
To threaten to shut down government in order to get his way is desperately worrying...he could do it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Bob Collis said...
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Bob Collis said...
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Ray Barnes said...

I seem to have read somewhere that King Charles 1st had similar delusions of grandeur and look what happened to him.
No, I still think they are giving him enough rope to do the job himself.

Bob Collis said...


UKViewer said...

Quite right. Mr Trump is testing how far he can go within the limited personal he holds as President.