Thursday 24 August 2017

Found but not lost!

A rough inventory of yesterday's handbag exploration....
More pills than anyone should ever possess. Some for sea sickness which I never get, some for coughs etc...painkillers of all sorts....
Old notes , addresses, phone numbers...all saved and then buried....
Money....about ten pounds including several Euros and coins I can't christen.
Small purses some which I've searched for several times in the past!
Big bags, small bags....white, black, pink....but the favourite colour is blue...because it goes with everything ....
Reading glasses.....six pairs....oh dear!
If there is a jumble sale anywhere local they are going to get quite a selection...except some are of daft importance to me the buffalo skin bag I bought in South Africa . David said they would never let me leave the country...I'd obviously been killing game!
Once I'd stopped I just sat shaking my head....there are no excuses...I have bought stuff from every country I've visited...I've been very profligate indeed and it has to stop.
I am tempted to set up a stall outside...there are at least 20 bags to go...
But it has taught me one thing. Next time I'm on a ship, I will not collect any more bags...well unless .....
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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