Sunday 10 September 2017


First stop Spain. I have woken up to red skies and a warm breeze blowing on deck. Stepping out onto my balcony I feel the heat already .
From taking precautions to keep me warm and dry we are now in a different climate.
It looks lovely out there...and I'm going on a coach for an exploration of the area.
I may have done this before but I have no memory of it I'm on a voyage of discovering how much I remember or worse have forgotten since last time!
I am making new friends as I go and this is the best bit of cruising...
Last night I went to the show after dinner accompanied by a woman of similar age.
Gosh she was a goer! Lots of whoops and shrieks accompanied the acts...
Nostalgia is the currency of late night shows...most of the audience not only remember the songs, they know all the words...
Not having been a pop fan I get left behind here but I enjoy seeing everyone else whooping!
I have got out a tee shirt, sandals and sun protection cream...
Off I go...fully aware of how lucky I am...thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I hope your trip was memorable and you managed to avoid getting burned. Love to read your reports.