Tuesday 26 September 2017


I was very tired yesterday....mostly because I hadn't slept much on the last night on board...following all the disembarkation days instructions had kept me far too alert!
So I have still to tackle the unpacking, open all the mail waiting for me and catch up with the local news.
I am just glad to be home.
Looking out on the glory all around me is wonderful....but my old body is still protesting...so today I must take it slowly!
Sainsbury's are coming soon...
I have a lot of TV to catch up with as well as getting the washing done...
I am glad of the stairlift I put in for David...it gets my cases up the stairs.
All of this is taking my mind off the danger of war in the world...but the ever present threat remains in my brain...
I am trying not to let it worry me right now....just getting the food in and the washing machine on is enough....
One small niggle though is asserting itself.
I am being targeted again....anonymous emails are arriving , around twenty every day.
I don't read them, just delete them as they arrive...this morning for instance I have already sent ten to the trash bin...
In the greater scheme of things they are a very small niggle...the person sending them must be seriously deranged....poor soul....
Onwards and upwards. My shower awaits....I'm home!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I'm surprised you don't have an email filter to automatically consign emails from those not in your contacts straight to the spam bin.

Google does this quite well and I review it periodically just to make sure it hasn't sent a genuine email to the spam bin. But than one button deletes them forever, and google will also unsubscribe for you from lists you may have signed up for years ago and forgotten about.

It's not perfect, but no having spam in my genuine mail is a delight