Wednesday 27 September 2017

Party politics.

Listening to the party conference reports in the Autumn has always been an interesting pastime.
This week, between attempts at unpacking I have caught various snippets from the Labour conference.
I may be judging this very unfairly in which case I apologise but really the amount of self congratulation has just been silly.
Yes Mr Corbyn did much better than expected. But that must be measured by the fact that Mrs May called a daft election......the result showed more public dissatisfaction with her party than a switch to Labour.
I keep hearing people telling us that they are on the verge of get ready...etc....
I don't believe it.
Yesterday I listened to earnest young men talking the familiar nitty gritty of politics....they wanted sitting members of parliament to undergo a process of selection every few years...the dislike or jealousy of those in power , even those under the socialist banner sounded incredibly petty...the have nots yearning for their turn in the sun...
The last thing the electorate will want to hear is the petty attempt of young party members or the current would be's to turn out older, well established MP's.
I found the whole thing very depressing....they seemed to be focussed on changing their rules to make things fairer than actually what it would mean to be running the country.
I hope I just heard a small snippet of the whole that doesn't represent the true state of the party but it would be a fatal error to assume that they really are on the brink of power...
Whenever the next election is called there are many more important debates to be held.
Come on chaps... make no assumptions based on the last election...that is a crucial mistake Mrs May is paying heavily doesn't mean automatically that it's your turn next.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

I listened to some of Mr Corbyn's grandious self promotion earlier.

He says that they are a government in waiting * say that are a rabble in waiting and the mix of violent anti-anything from Momentum and the rabid anti-semitism underlying the party, for instance some proposed motions to ban Jewish Groups from the party.

These politicians, underpinned and funded by the Trade Unions want to return us to the 1970's and the winter of discontent.

Time to consider migration to Scotland, where at least Labour took a drubbing and has lost all credibility. Not Wales where they have ruined the local economy and turned their NHS into the worst performing in the UK.

Perhaps France calls - if only I could get to like seeing people eating Frogs :(

Revjeanrolt said...

I'm not either anti Labour or even anti Corbyn...I am definitely anti Tory though....sorry....