Tuesday 7 November 2017

Time for a reshuffle?

I don't feel sorry for Theresa May. Everything that is happening now is her own doing. In an attempt to bolster her standing she called a general election which wiped out a comfortable majority.
Since then we have seen a struggle for survival that is both embarrassing and despicable. Promoting her allies has brought us Gove and Boris in positions of power. Neither man is good enough for their jobs. The thought that they are only there because of the Brexit vote is unpleasant.
I am embarrassed by the thought of our foreign secretary out and about on our behalf.
He is not a good ambassador for Britain as the present debacle reveals. If his words get someone extra years in prison then first he needs to be sacked and then apologise.
People's lives should not be in the hands of this government..
I read that elder statesmen are also concerned by our situation. May's need to cling on to power is not good either for her party or indeed the country.
As for all the sleaze reported in both parties I feel it is just another indication that this governments time is over...
If May decides not to go then at least a reshuffle is clearly needed...there must be a person we could respect as our representative abroad. We are becoming a laughing stock around the world.and this morning we have news of Miss Patel holding secret meetings with the Israeli Government.
None of this is good and even makes Mr Trump look better than our politicians at times.
Do something!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I think that she had to put these people for their support to continue as PM, without them, she is lost.

The last thing that we need right now is another election, or, Jeremy Corybn in Power.

I never thought that I would say "Come Back Gordon- all is forgiven".