Friday 22 December 2017

Off again.

Up at an indecent hour to get all my ducks in a row for the next trip. I am being picked up at 6.30 to get me to Southampton because naturally I am setting sail later...
The habit now is deeply engrained...I need to get away at this time of the year...
Having lost husbands and children I value the ability to leave my home with all its memories at this precious time of the year...
I'll blog when I can but it's likely to be intermittent.
I hope you all have wonderful Christmases...
I may drink more than usual but most of my time will be spent in reflection...times past, loved ones lost...and seeing everybody else eating turkey several times a day if they want it.
We are going south so it will be warm.
Ok .

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Babs said...

It's not an easy time of year for some of us wherever we are.
Enjoy your trip Jean. Take care xx

Bob Collis said...

Enjoy the break. Where are you off to this time?

Nancy Wallace said...

A timely reminder that Christmas can be a hard time emotionally for many people. Hope you have a really relaxing holiday. Every blessing.

Ray Barnes said...

Have a wonderful time Jean and come back with all your batteries recharged.

Every blessing😌

UKViewer said...

I think that Christmas following 18 months of losing two siblings and 4 of our cats, has made me bury my sorrows in carol concerts. 8 so far. not sure if there are any others coming, as in theory, carols can be sung up to the 12th night.