Saturday 9 December 2017

Weird world!

I have the joy of knowing this morning that I don't have to be up, showered and dressed before eight!
For the moment the decorator has finished. My office is now pink!
I spent yesterday putting everything back, including all the Christmas cards written during the week.... we are now back to normal!
More or less....
My groceries arrive this morning...after that I have what I hope is going to be a quiet weekend.
So I can start to consider the rest of the world again.
It's not good is it!
Trumps recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has serious consequences that he seems oblivious to so naturally he planned a huge rally in his heartlands.
He needed the mass adulation after a bad week....on one of his slightly slurred speeches the commentators speculated that he might have had a stroke, worn badly fitting false teeth or drunk too much. Nothing good!
The speculation coming from the American commentators has been much worse than usual...but fascinating.
It would all be funny except that this is the man with his finger on the nuclear button.
Here at home our efforts to opt out of the EU are becoming strenuously complicated...with Gove scattering soothing words around the airwaves...
As he is the politician I respect least I would be more comfortable if he stayed quiet....he seems to be rising again...
It's been an extraordinary week all round...back to the Christmas cards!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

We have some sort of agreement to move on to trade talks, and before we get there, Mr Gove proposes to allow the electorate to do more damage at the next election - perhaps he will be an Ex-MP and Minister by than, I do hope so. He can go and write rubbish for a Newspaper like the Evening Stnadard, like Mr Osborne.