Friday 8 December 2017

Busy day!

I get my study back today.
This office , full of books has been dismantled for a week whilst it's walls have been damp proofed. They are now pink!
Well.....I am still a woman.
Everything from there has found homes in my dining room and hall. Walking around has been full of hazards.
But it's all going back today.
Which is good but I have a goodbye to an old friend at lunch time.
The goodbye is in the club in the next village. I really want to get there but I won't be able to have more than one drink to send him on his way because I'll be driving!
I can't remember a more complicated gardener is also here....the number of cups of tea has already doubled. Keeping them both happy I have sticky is taking on the feeling of a celebration.
But the bottom line here is that at the end of all this I shall be ready to collapse in a heap!
Both blokes are as good as gold. I value them enormously...but at the end of today I shall be exhausted.
So be it.
We have put off the next big job. The painter will return in January to paint the hall ......
I might have recovered by then.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

You might decide to extend your cruise for another couple of weeks, giving you time to have the hall painted in your absence.

We once went on holiday for a week, while the whole of our downstairs was decorated. Came back to no chaos, the person who did it, moved everything and put it back for us. He got a bonus for that.