Thursday 22 February 2018

Classroom guns?

Trumps answer to the calls to ban the selling of guns to anyone who wants one is interesting....not fewer guns but more....teachers should have them!
A school where every teacher has a gun in their drawer...or handbag is a very scary concept.
Confronting very badly behaved students could become fraught...because if teachers have them more students would be tempted to take one into school surely?
There were moments in my teaching career when getting out a nice dainty revolver to threaten them into silence would have had some appeal...but I fear that if teachers carry guns then even more students would be also want to be armed.
Something has to be done about this problem but handing out more guns rather than limiting the sale of them can never work surely?
The problem now though is that Trump has had an idea. In his mind it might work...
Hopefully other pressing problems will replace that thought sooner rather than later...
If the right to bear arms is considered sacred and cannot be deleted from the constitution then some way of controlling the number of guns sold to the young as well as adults is clearly called for.
I have met Americans who say they carry guns in their bags as routine.
On a cruise ship it is a scary thought that fellow guests might be armed but of course they are not.
We have all got to go through check points before getting on board. Our bags are checked every time and metal detectors work . I have a silver bracelet which makes the machines ping. I have to take it off every time so a gun would definitely not get through.
Maybe a checking system in schools or big meeting places would deter the need for protection.
One of my friends says she always carries her dainty little revolver whenever she goes to the mall.
The gun culture is firmly fixed now. Banning them wouldn’t solve the problem of how many people carry them just in case and where women feel the need for protection.
Handing them out to teachers though is a very scary thought...the right to bear arms in school?
Surely not!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

I fail to understand the American love affair with Guns? It might be a right under the US Constitution, but the original intention was after the revolution and the war of 1821 with the English - having a trained and armed militia became something of a defence mechanism. I am unsure whether that justification is still valid. Invasion by a land army is unlikely and the security forces have enough arms and man(women) power to fight off any conventional attack.

It's something in the American Psyche a sort of insecurity built in, that means that owning a gun is some sort of security blanket. I don't pretend to understand this, but can see why they still have it over 300 years after the Revolution.

Mr Trump is intertwined with the National Rifle Association, who pledged huge amounts to his campaign and basically bribed the candidate. He will be unable to do what he says, as he is facing a Lobby, more powerful than he is.

Sadly, we can expect to see more mass shootings, because that now is an American norm.

UKViewer said...

The guy who runs the NRA said yesterday "That Man didn't give them Guns, they're a gift from God and their birthright", which demonstrates to me the pure evil present in the hearts who advocate guns at all costs, and forget that hundreds of human lives lost to their in their country each year.

I have been to the USA, but would not go back, let alone live there. I have friends living in New York, who point out how their lives involve avoiding points in that City where they run the risk of robbery, being shot or worse. But they love it there and wouldn't leave, just wish it could be a more peaceful place.