Friday 23 February 2018

Corbyn will do!

When Tony Blair joined forces with America to go to war in Iraq I was absolutely against it. I organised a day of prayer in my local church. People turned up I’d never seen before but our prayers went unanswered. We went to war.
I have not voted Labour since.
Yesterday I watched a video of Jeremy Corbyn speaking in 2003. He was absolutely against going to war and said so with passion and integrity. Far from destroying his character I witnessed a man I could trust.
Having seen this I might start voting Labour again. Far from putting me off him this clip of him speaking from the heart has cancelled out most of the anger at the Labour Party for taking us into an appalling war.
I believe that many of the groups like Isis that have grown since then are the direct responsibility of Blair and Bush. We activated young men to become warriors by bombing their country and using the excuse of looking for nuclear weapons which were never found!
I will support Corbyn against the sneering classes...he deserves better than he gets. The attempts to link him to communism are I think irrelevant today.
That small piece of history showing him opposing Blair speaks far more loudly than all the repeated attempts to smear him with left wing leanings...
Basic decency and the need to right wrongs is now what I hear when he direct contrast to May.
I am still green...but my views on Corbyn have changed considerably...oddly by many of the right wing press attempts to damm him . If they are trying so hard to discredit him he must be a threat!
Just now anything must be better than the Brexit posturing coming from Mrs May and her gang...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

My Problem with Jeremy Corbyn is his tolerance of a militant tendency via Momentum and also his tolerance of Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. He has failed to condemn remarks by Ken Livingstone and others and has done nothing to weed out the bullying of Labour MP's who don't support his views.

His is a bandwagon, which relies on the support of ever Militant Unions like the RMT and Unite, who are intent on taking us back to the 1970's.

I hold no truck for Mrs May either, because they have damaged the country beyond repair, scape goating the poor and vulnerable and increasing poverty even among those who are working, on low incomes. The Bed Room tax is just a symptom of their malpractice in politics.

On balance, in my opinion, neither party deserves our support. I went green because they have genuine socialist policies, which could be for the greater good, not just of the country but globally.

I don't agree with every single thing they propose, but can debate that as a member with those who might be just a bit to far to the left that they could be Marxist.

It's a difficult to discern any single politician of either main parties who displays integrity, in the Way that Caroline Lucas does. She is consistent and fights in Parliament for those who live in deprivation and are excluded. I can't actually seen any Labour or Tory politician actually doing that.

Mr Corbyn heges his bets and has deivided his party along lines. He has a man as shadow chancellor who propounds endebting the country for the next three generations, by nationalising everything in sight, leaving the country defenceless by disbanding the Armed Forces and cow towing to Europe, without question in every possible situation.

I find myself in a place, where trust in politics and our current bunch is missing and in fact, if I were younger, would probably migrate to a warmer clime, perhaps on an Island in the Pacific, where I could live peacefully until the end. Ignoring the risk of Climate change, which is sinking Islands all of the time, while the world fiddles while Rome burns.