Sunday 25 March 2018


Waking up and hearing the news is feeling even more surreal than usual.
Stormy has stirred the pot that has become almost normal now. Dark and stormy is the name of one of my favourite’s a mixture of white and dark rum and is very potent.
But can you imagine the effect on a marriage of having a woman describing the sex she enjoyed with your husband soon after giving birth to your son.
It’s hard to imagine the marriage surviving let alone the presidency.
That this is becoming almost commonplace is the most worrying part of the whole saga.
That this is the story of the man whose finger is on the button to spark a world war is very very scary. As he wakes up and reaches for the means to tweet to the world...what thoughts must be coursing through his brain....?
He should of course resign...but nothing in his demeanour suggests that this could happen. He is already planning his next trip to the polls, apparently sure of his second term .
Come on something .... anything!
I’m no prude heaven knows but surely something can be done to prevent all the other revelations becoming part of day to day political small change!
My prayers as always for those who are hurting...and there must be a lot of those this morning....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

It is notable that all of the revelations about Mr T come from women, who confess that they didn't love him, but just gave into him, because of the power that he wielded over them (Rich and Powerful).

Surely, this is criminal on his part? The church has received well deserved criticism by survivors of abuse in the inquiry into Chichester Diocese, for doing exactly what Mr T is accused of doing, And Clergy involved are serving substantial prison time as a result.

Can you imagine Mr T doing the same? I can