Saturday 28 April 2018

Anonymous advice!

Ok. This is off my usual topic range but it is happening.
An anonymous person is sending me a lot of so called comments on my blog. These are no problem . As soon as I see Anonymous I press delete. Gone.
I don’t read them at all, just delete them from my post still unopened.
But this week I got curious and read a couple after finding a whole row of them.
They are telling me to buy cialis. It’s not something I’ve heard of before so I googled it.
It seems someone is giving me advice on sexual problems.
As this drug treats erectile dysfunction I’m not quite sure why I’m getting it.
Maybe Anon thinks I’m a bloke. But I doubt it. The Anonymous comments have been coming for at least a has become obsessive.
The person sending them seems to be having a lot of sleepless nights judging by when they that could be a clue! Or an explanation of sorts ......
I’m not going to start publishing them. They are not actually rude or even’s just a bit of a puzzle. And I honestly don’t need that particular treatment!
The mindset of someone constantly sending anonymous comments to a blog written by someone they don’t know is clearly a bit worrying...but as they really don’t bother me I am not take any further steps. Just one bit of advice from me to the sender. Grow up!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

You might find that this is a actually a 'Bot' that trawls blogs that don't require approval of posting and will than generate posts to pursue their aims, normally companies advertising do this.

There are ways to stop them posting, via the settings, of your blog, such as blocking the IP address that sends them. But you might think that this is too much hassle and just continue with the delete button.

Revjeanrolt said...

I have published just one. It is typical of hundreds.

UKViewer said...

That is definitely a bot. And spam and its a way of putting a virus onto your machine if you respond.

Not a good idea. Good job you delete most of them.