Tuesday 24 April 2018

Forward planning.

We should be used to the vagaries of the British weather by this time. But after the glorious sun last week waking up to a dark grey misty morning is very unnerving.
My immediate reaction is to stay in bed for a little while.
I’m fighting it.
But the news currently assailing my ears does not make for comfortable snoozing.
The political parties are not inspiring at all right now. May and Corbyn are not getting my support for different reasons.
Trump and Macron are meeting currently...but this unlikely couple are not getting my vote either.
So it’s all negative just now for me...which is unusual.
I have been casting a look at the Cunard cruises for the rest of the year but non of them are enthusing me.
A friend here at the weekend has just returned from a river cruise. This sounded excellent but almost all of them include flights.
I have avoided flying since the last time I got caught up in a huge queue in the airport.
I have enough brochures here now to spend a day exploring various possibilities
and pondering .
But first I need to get out of bed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

http://river.englishholidaycruises.co.uk/ |British River Cruises are all of the rage. No flying, just some driving.