Saturday 12 May 2018

Burial up a hill!

Another truly glorious day and I am getting ready for a service I used to do every week , the communion.
After the service I have to go walk about. We ran out of grave space in our church yard some time ago and having bought new land I am doing the first burial next week using it.
A caustic remark from our verger during the week hoped that I would get a lift from the funeral directors up there..from which I gather that it’s going to be uphill! I have already fixed my lift up there .
So after the service this morning I will go walk about.
Hopefully the church warden will accompany me. But I will be sure to be wearing suitable shoes for a hike.
It’s just another indication that I’m getting a bit long in the tooth for all this but I do still enjoy what I do. It’s a massive privilege to be able to do all the things connected with being a priest.
Burying people, marrying people and christening their babies is very precious..
And despite the warnings about getting a lift up the hill I can still do it...
I remain a very lucky woman. Thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Funerals with burials are quite rare nowadays. Most seem to go to the Crem or are held at the Crem. Unsually, we had four church funerals in a recent fortnight, two of which were burials. They were connected to the traveller community locally, which means big congregations attending and not a lot of singing, given that many of them are unable to read.

It can be quite lonely with just the Priest Celebrant and the Verger singing the hymns chosen.