Tuesday 26 June 2018

Paying for things!

I’m not a good organiser I’m afraid. I set out to do something good and fail somewhere along the way, often because I then forget to finish what I’ve started.
I try to be business like most of the time but this does not come naturally to me.
Yesterday I wasted far too much time trying to pay someone money.
I failed.
David and I bought time share in Madeira quite a long time ago. It wasn’t called time share then but that’s what it’s turned into.
It’s in a really good hotel close to both the harbour and Funchal. The last time I stayed there for a couple of weeks was two years ago.
I’ve been to Funchal by ship several times since but only dropping in from a cruise gives no time to stay.
If I want a holiday there I have to fly.
Every time I’ve flown anywhere in the last years I have spent far too much time standing in queues for someone of my years.
So I have no plans to go. But I still have to pay my "maintenance " fee.
This catch was not one that David had foreseen...
I sent a cheque this year which I was informed yesterday was on its way back to me. I had not got it right...please try again!
Along the same lines is my attempt to join the local patients group which involves sending a cheque! As my previous attempts in this field have failed I am putting this one off....but it’s an organisation dear to my heart run by people I trust so I will get on with it......soon.
Getting all my ducks in a row takes longer day by day. It doesn’t mean I’m trying to avoid paying...it’s just one more sign of dozy old age...dash it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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