Tuesday 24 July 2018

Hot Cornwall!

It is one of life’s ironies that the reason for coming to live here in coastal Cornwall was to take advantage of much better weather than in the other parts of the country I have lived in.
This morning it is dull outside but still hot.
I listen though to stories of fire and of drought and realise yet again how lucky we are here.
Even though it is certainly hot small ripples of sea breeze reach us often enough to make living pleasant rather than uncomfortable.
I am wearing clothes most often worn on cruises...and of course I’m not working at anything heavy.
Pushing a vacuum cleaner along is not hard work!
The local schools broke up last week so I imagine the beaches nearby are sanctuaries for hard pressed parents.
Our visitors are here in great numbers i am told. Finding parking places gets difficult at this time of the year.
Horror stories abound!
Families arrive in two cars, leave one parked for a week or a month whilst they use the second one to get around the county. This is not conducive to good relations with our visitors.
I still remember the occasion when I got back from doing a midweek funeral to find my parking space occupied. It stayed blocking our access to our garage for two weeks whilst they lived on their boat.
I learned some very interesting words from my husband on that occasion.
Here at Tregear Vean there is no such problem which was one of the reasons for moving here!
The next few weeks will be interesting but not difficult...and I can cope with the heat up here.....thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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