Thursday 20 September 2018

Getting there.

Most of the problems on board are sorted out now...I have a nice group of people on my table to eat with in the evenings and I am ambling happily around during the day.
I regret that I have become forgetful though.
Dressing for dinner last night I found that I had left my silver evening slippers at home so had to go down in bright substitutes. I kept my feet well hidden when I could.
All the talk now is of New York.
I am booked on a tour which is the easiest way of doing it.
David and I used to take taxis to various places but that’s not an option. for a slightly daft old woman on her own. Scary stories abound.
I am mostly enjoying the sea days , I’ve walked the deck most days weather permitting and occasionally enjoyed a steamer chair to gaze out to sea.
It is remarkable how many people I meet as I go.
The sea which is visible from my bed is flat and grey...
All our time clocks have suffered the shock of putting our watches back an hour every night to reach New York time so we are none of us in perfect shape.
Right at the end of my corridor..about 25 yards away is the covered swimming pool I have spent many happy hours in in the past...I am still waiting for the urge that will get me in and swimming.
Old ghosts haunt me, David , Michael, my children...accompany me wherever I go.
So be it Lord.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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