Saturday 15 September 2018

Weird weather.

In a day of weird calls, strange coincidences and attempted packing, several events worried me. My phone used to tell me if I had seems to have stopped. This morning after a call from an old friend saying she’d left me a message I hadn’t replied to I pressed the play back button.
Gosh...there were at least twenty! Lots of people must have thought me rude for not responding to them...but the warning light didn’t flash so today is the first day I’ve tried...
This means that I am going to have to play it back every so often..just to be sure...
I have apologised to several people who left me messages. No one seems to have taken umbrage by my silence.
Today is the day when suitcases have to be fastened, labels attached and last minute scrambles to get it all right.
The sun shines but I have seen a worrying weather forecast. The hurricane currently attacking the eastern shores of America appear to be getting forecast promises we won’t be left out of this onslaught. It seems to be coming our way!
I don’t know why the epic storms are given feminine names . Florence is coming our way...hopefully much weaker by the time she arrives.
I am trying not to think that during the critical period I will be on a big ship sailing the Atlantic...
That thought stopped me dead in my it’s time to get up and get on with it all! I am trying not to hear the news from the Philippines.
Lord, save our souls!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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