Sunday 24 February 2019

Christmas cards?

There can be few pastimes more surreal than opening your Christmas Cards in February.
I was of course a very long way away at Christmas and on coming home I had opened some cards, noted who they were from and thought no more about it.
So this morning I found a whole lot more of them, filed under "Private Eye"
I’d obviously picked up a load of paper on reaching home and failed to examine it properly.
There tucked inside the Eye were lovely cards and even lovelier messages, many telling me they were coming to visit St Mawes and would pop in.
I am embarrassed now by how many of them did just that to find me gone again.
The cards were all lovely and expressing good cheer etc but somehow finding them two months later added a touch of pathos, especially from those people I haven’t yet been in touch with.
I have to remedy this soon .
Staying in touch with old friends not seen in years is getting more difficult, made worse by my dodgy memory.
Unless I write appointments down I do forget argument there...
This is another reason for blogging.
Day by day I write out my thoughts and sometimes read them years later to find details long forgotten to remind me of old friends, old holidays and lots more.
A visitor yesterday was suitably amazed when I revealed my age...and it seemed genuine..
So on we go.......onwards and upwards...mostly.
The next cruise is booked and paid for...maybe that’s what keeps me here is never dull.
Thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Join the club. I carry a lot about in a bag, and put a couple of Christmas Cards in, meaning to post them.

A month after Christmas, I found the cards, in a folder in the bag.

After a surge of guilt, I thought, why not just post them and see what happens?

So, I did.

I got a couple of responses from those people with confused on whether they'd been delayed in the post, or whether I was a bit early for next Christmas.

But it was fun to hear from them, and explain my absent mindedness, and ensured that I could laugh at myself as well.

So, lesson learned, don't put things in a bag, where you carry around your stuff, or if you do, make sure you check it daily, just in case you forget something important - that is if you remember :)