Sunday 24 March 2019


No one could complain that the news is dull right now. It is positively scary.
The Conservative party seem united on one point. Mrs May must go. But which of her MPs will get her job remains to be seen. None of them look appealing but I do think that it’s time Mrs May had a rest.
People marching, signing petitions, politicians trying to get in on the act in desperate attempts to grab the headlines, it’s all happening here right now.
There seem to be rather too many politicians called Johnson for comfort.
Thousands of people marching , carrying banners take up a lot of room in the news papers but I’m not sure anyone’s listening. They are all too obviously intent on securing their own future.
The news item that no one else seems interested in is the fact that a huge cruise liner is in trouble. I’m not sure where but the news that its passengers are being winched up into helicopters to be rescued is very scary for a frequent cruiser.
It is the actual stuff of nightmares.
Gales and heavy rain forecast for today have yet to arrive here, unless it’s been and gone during the night.
Outside all is calm, all is quiet.
I am used to not rushing out in the early morning to do the eight o’clock now. It feels completely natural to sit up in bed listening to the radio.
I just wish the news wasn’t quite so dire.


Revjeanrolt said...

The cruise ship is in Norwegian waters. It does look terrible for the is in a place I’ve visited previously and will be returning to this summer...Hopefully everyone is safe.

UKViewer said...

The cruise ship is in port, thank God.

However, the Country is still in sttormy waters with no sign of a rescue.

Borish has been bumping his gums in the media, but he is a no hoper for PM.. He might be fit to clean the toilets in Parliament, but not to lead the country.

The enigmatic Mr Gove is also a favourite, but will people recall his stabbing Borish in the back? I certainly will.

It all seems hopeless and that is something that pains me. As a good member of the Armed Forces for 43 years, I kept my politics in the cupboard, as the policy was quite strict about expressing political opinions in public, and most certainly not in the media.

The right wing media is having a field day and Mr Farage appears to be having difficulties with his new brexit party, having to let his CEO go, after she was caught out endorsing radical right wing views

I don't know where it will all end, but we have to get on with life and whatever happens, will have to live with. But I, like many, feel unsettled over the total mess that they have all made of it.