Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Holy Week?

This week has not been typical in any way. This works on a personal level as well as national.
Nothing I expected to happen actually has.
Old friends due to arrive haven’t. Yet.
I had to check my really is Holy Week. But it’s not like any other lead up to Easter Day that I remember.
This started on Monday with the drama over my wheelbarrow and nothing since then has followed any pattern that feels normal.
Friends I expected at the beginning of the week never arrived.
Other people have .
Watching the news and reading the headlines on my iPad reflect my own feeling of strangeness.
The plight of Mrs May struggling to lead a set of bolshy colleagues is just depressing. Her life looks pretty dire right now.
Even Mr Trump has been fairly quiet this week...
Nothing to laugh at at all.
I have yet to decide how to deal with the rest of this week. Playing Easter by ear is not a plan, it’s more the lack of a plan. But Holy Week has not gone well so far so why should the rest of Easter?
The way Notre Dame has been left after the terrible fire is awful to see but I am heartened by the resolve to rebuild it.
So far Holy Week has not lived up to its name. But there’s time yet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Well, my Holy Week has run true to form. Services every day and busyness is the order of the week. I am leading Communion by Extension this morning as all Clergy are at the Chrism Mass, including our new Incumbent and Retired Priest.

Later today, I will be involved in the liturgy of Maundy Thursday, including the feet washing and a vigil.

Tomorrow, we have Stations of the Cross, followed by the Liturgy of Good Friday, and than some respite until our Easter Sunday services and I am doing stuff at both.

Hopefully I will be able to chill out next week before the onset of the Induction of our new Incumbent, which will take place the following Saturday and than he is leading everything, except Evensong for the rest of May, albeit, I will be working in services with him, and preaching once or twice.

I'm pondering on being 70 this year and possible retirement or PTO. At the moment the first option looks attractive, but God has his own way of resolving these decisions - and I know that in July, I have to make the decision on becoming Emiritus or PTO. I'm praying for guidance as it is quite unclear. Although, my new incumbent is adamant that I should continue.

God will decide.