Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Planting trees!

Yesterday I listened to several very worrying programs on the radio debating the fact that we are ruining our future lives by not listening to warnings that in a few years we may not be able to live as we do now...or even that we may not actually live at all.
Intensive agricultural practices may mean that we are unbalancing our economy by living this way.
We have got used to cheap food now apparently. But factory farming methods are bad for us all so climate change is already happening and it’s time to change the way we live if we are to maintain our quality of life.
It’s called bio diversity, words that don’t mean a great deal to me but I have actually received the message that we must all play our parts in trying not to use up our resources so that those that are left can live in peace.
I am fortunate in where I live...here in deepest Cornwall the rural way of life is still possible.
David and I lived on the other side of town until we moved to what had been a working farm.
As well as the house we have what is in essence a field. It’s a very long field which had two trees in it ten years ago.
I went out and counted yesterday...I have put in 72 trees with about 25 shrubs also . Small trees have grown hugely and are now well over my head.
Wild life is enjoying it....rabbits bounce about, bees buzz, birds are nesting ...
It is amazing how fast everything has grown...it looks as though it’s been there forever...some trees put in several years ago as saplings have grown massive....well over my head.
My gardener comments on its fast growth regularly. Having been a cow field is the main reason why it has grown so quickly....it’s been well manured!
I am fortunate in having this opportunity to try to contribute to our ecology. I hope who ever comes after me can carry it on.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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