Friday 20 September 2019


The number of invitations to march in protest are proliferating.   Over the last week several of these invitations have arrived, some of them for things dear to my heart...

Join  us to stop global warming, to support various causes that I hold dear have arrived in my inbox this week to which I want to say, "If only." 

I’m afraid my marching days are over.   In the past I have walked  for all sorts of things, starting with one in Rochdale to try to prevent  racism taking hold. 

The present ones are to stop the factors of global warming..   of course I agree with most of the sentiments expressed in these invitations..but I can no longer go out and march.   I regret this of course....I used to enjoy a good march, singing sometimes and chatting with follow protesters.  But I just can’t do it anymore...I am a seriously old woman! After the first miles the others would have to carry me! 

I live miles out in the country...just getting to the nearest march would be difficult enough without then joining other people’s efforts. But the Emails keep coming...and sometimes in response I send a donation but I just wish the demands to get out and walk would stop coming...

I realise that the organisers of these protests  have no way of knowing my age but I still want  them to stop.  This week I’ve already had two..I would love to do them but more walking in’s just one reminder of my age that I really don’t need....

Moan over!   

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

It is easy to be an activist when hale and hearty. But I have an antipathy towards public demonstrations of any sort. I know that they can change things, but perhaps my army indoctrination, when we were forbidden to join any sort of political demonstration is so instilled that I can't overcome that difficulty.

I support the Green party, but do so from a distance. As a member and answering funding appeals, but never promising to be active and join in with demonstrations, of which there are many, locally and nationally.

So, I took get emails about demonstrations and I am afraid that all get deleted. My spouse who is in a trade union, gets the same and does the same. She points out that her Shop Steward is some 40 miles away in Chatham, and while one of the biggest unions, their activism is closely associated with the labour party, which she does not support, particularly that ever so marxist bloke leading them (her words). Perhaps her time in the military has also given her the same resistance to marching? She'd rather be in the Garden doing stuff, and she also thinks such things are for the hale and hearty.