Saturday 21 September 2019

Brexit Angst!

I woke up to the news that the Labour Party may finally need the last rites. They are trying to get rid of their deputy leader. Why? I assume because Tom Watson isn’t left enough!
The party is already failing to get my vote most of the time which is extraordinary considering that I grew up in it. I can’t remember when I last voted Labour.
Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t fill me with enthusiasm and I am often relieved to hear Tom Watson’s voice speaking sense at times.
If they go through with this they are painting a picture of the hard left which will not I suspect get them any votes...
Brexit is responsible for much of this angst I think. It has divided the nation leave alone the Labour Party......but it is now time to come together, not just the Labour Party, the whole country needs to start behaving like one that believes in its future.
I don’t know if the other parties have similar problems over Brexit but I am left with the feeling that we have become completely divided . To leave or not to leave...that is the question guaranteed to get us all arguing......I am a remainer not a leaver...but I’d never fall out with anyone who holds a different view.
The entire country is divided on this issue. It’s not right versus left for a change...We have already lost various politicians who have quit rather than struggle on. But to sack Tom Watson would be to label the Labour Party as one I certainly wouldn’t want to vote for.
Time for sense...not political manoeuvring!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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