Saturday 23 November 2019


Oh dear ....this situation with my bank cards has become not only problematic , it’s very embarrassing.  It all started after a good Sunday lunch in the local hotel with my daughter in law. As we walked through the village she stopped to do some shopping and stupidly I decided to use the cash machine.  This was the start of all the problems...I put the wrong card into the machine so the code tapped into the machine failed to work.  Since then it has all got very stupid.  I will not detail all the stupid things I’ve done from the safety of my home but it is all my fault. 

The bank sent me a letter with my new pin with instructions to destroy the letter after I’d noted the pin. So I got rid of it....very efficiently.  Because when I needed the pin yesterday I had forgotten both the pin and the letters position. So I emptied my rubbish bin...searching for the shredded bits of letter.  I didn’t find it.  Fuming with myself I finally rang the bank.....could they please send me another letter! 

I should think that by this time those in the bank are both amused and fed up with my present situation. I certainly am. In the meanwhile I shall take my cheque book with me when I go out this weekend...  that still works.....I think.  

I am using my age as an excuse for all of this mess...but embarrassiment is the main is the first time I’ve made such a mess of my financial dealings..but I assume that it won’t be the only stupid thing I do...     I just hope that I don’t actually mess anything else up by being a little bit vague...   and then I remember that Christmas is on its way.....oh dear! 

Writing everything down from now on seems like a plan....until I lose my diary again...  arghhhhh! 


bluestar said...

Oh dear Jean. I'm sure it will sort itself out.I find it helpful to have a notebook in front of me & literally note down stuff. Obviously this only works at home. Also to date everything you do write down then you can look back and have a record of things.

UKViewer said...

Having to remember Pin numbers is a nightmare for most of us. I have been in that situation several times and had my card blocked. And I am definitely not as mature as you.

Writing things down is a useful thing to do, as long as you have the appropriate note with you when you need it. Nowadays my Diary goes everywhere with me, apart from the Loo, as I don't normally need a card for that purpose, unless you are on a railway station, when a 20p piece is the tool you need, and can never find.

I have no remedy for you, apart from having the pin as a tattoo under your armpit or somewhere else discreet. But changing the pin could be awkward....

Amanda said...

My advice is to put it in your mobile phone/diary as a fictitious phone number adding a local code etc to make it look genuine. The last 4 numbers show your pin.