Wednesday 3 June 2020

Self isolation!

I am increasingly aware of my good fortune in living in this small part of Cornwall. Offers of help, enquiries as to my health etc come most days...for which I’m very grateful. Yesterday I realised that a trip to the pharmacy was needed...I live a good way from the village so driving would be necessary. I have been starting my car a couple of times a week so I am confident about getting down there sometime soon. So yesterday I rang the chemist in the village to arrange to pick up the tablets I take regularly. I was then startled to be asked where I lived and then told thst they would deliver my medication! Wow! I remembered that when my husband was desperately ill the same man brought him his medication several times but I didn’t expect him to bring mine! I never think of myself as a frail old woman...but I suppose I can’t deny my is becoming increasingly obvious! Getting food delivered has been my habit for years...but medication? The people here are simply wonderful...and I am very grateful. Self isolating is for me simply an extension of my normal state...and living alone does have its joys as well as having no one to talk to. There’s always the phone if I feel the need to communicate...and also of course this blog! I also have the joy of knowing that I can’t have picked up the bug because I haven’t seen another human being up close for weeks now. Self isolation is not a problem...thank goodness!


UKViewer said...

A bonus of being elderly. And a kind Chemist who is fulfilling his duty of care for you.

I have to admit that I go to the Chemist, which is about one quarter of a mile from the house. A short walk (healthy) rather than a car journey. They practice social distancing, no more than two people in the shop at a time, so a short line outside, people keeping their distance with good humour, often if a women with a babe or young child comes along, everyone moves back to give them priority.

We are actually, in the main, a kind people. As is your Chemist.

Nancy Wallace said...

Take whatever help you can get! Yes, it can be hard for some of us to admit to being old or/and frail. Our local pharmacy is helpful. I am amused by the fact that I have to queue up outside the pharmacy to collect my medication, whereas the pharmacist delivers my husband's to our home!