Wednesday 3 June 2020

Violence two.

I can’t remember another day when I stayed glued to the news coming out of America as I did yesterday. I read everything I could find and watched everything that appeared on the news because yesterday was full of what happened in America during the appalling scenes appearing almost hourly. The report by the superintendent of the chapel close by the White House spoke graphically of her disgust at the sight of the president of the USA holding up a Bible. She spoke in horror saying the the bible had in fact been stolen from the chapel and was simply a prop used by the president and she condemned this so strongly that it was very believable. It was a day of suppressed violence as well as actual violence and I found myself in tears several times. Mr Trump did not come out of it well and considering that he is up for re-election later this year he must have failed to convince anyone that he would be a good choice. It was a day I will never forget...and apparently it’s gone on all night. I pray that it’s settling down now. Days like that don’t happen very often thank goodness but the main thing I’m taking from it is gratitude...that we really don’t have the same problem ...I know that for some people race hatred does exist but hopefully we will never see it’s effects on our streets. Lord, hear my prayer!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

So far in the UK, we've had peaceful demonstrations, which despite ignoring social distancing, have gone off without any violence.

It appears that heavy handed policing has contributed to what has happened in the USA, and some criminal elements have taken advantage of peaceful demonstrations to cause havoc including attacks on police, property and violence.

So sad. all we can do is pray for real change in Trump and his supporters as elements of them are responsible for what is happening.