Sunday 5 July 2020

Cornwall full!

None of my plans for yesterday actually worked out. I did drive to the next village but on arriving I could simply not park. Other people had had the same idea. My idea of parking along the lugger and walking to the chapel came to nothing when I found that everyone else in Cornwall were already there. Not only was the village full but new notices on walls along the route asked us not to clog the narrow streets up. So I got out of it as soon as possible and driving back home I wondered what I would find when I got here but it was OK , my drive was still empty. But the whole thing was very strange....none of us are leading normal lives these days. When I lived there I never saw the small village as it was yesterday. So on returning home I realised that there were also more cars here than usual. Fortunately my parking place was still free . I really don’t know what I would have done if I’d found someone else there so I parked and got myself inside as quickly as possible. From the front windows I see across the sea to Falmouth. From my back windows is a courtyard shared by three was full of cars and dustbins! Shaking my head in total disbelief I walked through my garden worried about what I might find! Nothing, no one had moved in in my absence. I breathed a sigh of relief before making myself some lunch. Had the world gone mad? This morning I’ve already been up and looked out on the world as I know it. It all looks far! There are some odd things visible but nothing to really worry far. My cleaner has said she is coming back to work this I’ll get her take on our present situation. We will no doubt talk for most of the time she’s here...but I do need to keep in touch with what’s happening everywhere else...on yesterday’s evidence Cornwall is full and it’s still only July....we have August to get through yet!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

The new reality. People have been released to take holidays, but many will not fly abroad and cruises are off the agenda for the time being, there so called "Staycations" are all the rage.

Staying at home will boost the UK economic situation, particularly the tourist industry, but will continue to destroy the travel industry, particularly cruise lines and airlines - which, should in theory help to reduce pollution and climate change. But the evidence you have with your own eyes yesterday is that beautiful parts of the country will be deluged with staycationers.

Good luck.