Saturday 11 July 2020

Weird world .

I woke early this morning and after running over yesterday’s activities reached for my mobile phone. It was close to dead. I must have fallen asleep using it I think. It’s now recovering whilst I use my iPad. So I find I’m still worrying about my gardener. But getting in touch with him would not be a good idea just now, not least because he has will all wait till the next time he arrives here. Getting up to look out of the window I see that the huge ship has moved...just a little. I saw it lit up last night and thought it was getting ready to sail but it’s still here this morning! Life during this period of self isolation is becoming very odd.....weird even. Tiny things have become much bigger , more important in this strange period. Perhaps it’s the result of my self isolation. Perhaps small details have become much bigger in the process. I really don’t know. But I feel fine...slightly puzzled by some odd things but fine for the most part. Living through a pandemic is not something any of us could have foreseen and yet here we are... Yesterday I checked to see if I had enough food to last till I get some more. This has never happened before but I do have a Tesco delivery next’s odd how trying to think ahead is becoming essential mostly because if I run out of anything just now it’s no longer easy to replace it. Also starting my car and leaving it running to charge the battery is essential today...I don’t know why..but nothing can now be taken for granted because I live such a long way from the village. I can’t just pop out to the shops if I need something...but if I do go out there is still the question of wether to wear a face mask or not. I suppose if everyone else is wearing one then I will too......what a weird world it has become...sorry if I’m brooding on silly things....but let’s face it there’s nothing much else to do! Sorry!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

It looks as if wearing a face mask is destined to be the new norm. I wear one in shops and if I am in transport (not my own) as I will today a a friend has volunteered to take me to deliver things for my spouse who has been moved to a hospital in Lewisham to continue her rehab after her stroke.

I can pop down the road to our corner shop, as I did to get another box of cat food, which was running low. But I have a houseful of food (we shopped the day that my spouse had her stroke) and on my own, I can't hope to consume all of that. I have some fresh greens which I will give to my neighbour as I have enough frozen to get by for now. I don't like wasting food, so freezing some will be an option.

barb m said...

The World is a residential ship. Apartments range from 3million - 10 million and are sold by invitation only. Apparently Oprah Winfrey enquired about buying one but was refused because they didn’t want to attract the paparazzi.
Talk about how the other half live!