Monday 21 September 2020


Still a strange feeling in the air this morning..I suppose its going to always be strange for the near future. I have been out already...its warm and pleasant out there. Today is dustbin day. a very strange collection of stuff has been put out this morning but I fear that much of it wont be picked up. The people who have left it are unaware thst this isnt the day for most of it to go. As those people have now gone home its going to be interesting to see what happens...I have to admit to a certain pleasure that a box full of empty bottles is nothing to do with me. Mine went last week The glorious weather is still bringing a lot of visitors...Ive never seen quite so many people around. The Autumnal colours are glowing in every garden and layby just now...I dont remember ever seeing it quite so glorious. The beauty and the colours are bringing far more tourists than usual. This can only be good for us I suppose but i could live without the rubbish. This mornings collection is huge...I am praying thst most of it goes because the people who left it are no longer it may have to remain where it is for another week! Oh dear...a blog post on rubbish has never happened before...but it is what is on my mind this morning! I will try to be lofty tomorrow!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Surely the owner of the rental property has responsibility to clear rubbish left by his tenants? Here our rubbish is collected and as we have one bin for waste that can't be recycled two bins for plastics and paper recycling and a bin for garden waste, which we have to pay for as that is re9garded as an extra service. Different coloured bins with lids and you hope that you have put the right bin out on the right week. Before we had this plethora of bins, we had just two. Normal waste and Garden waste. And a collection of different colour boxes to segregate plastics, paper or card and glass. Which was confusing and when to put them out, even more confusing. There is also a small, lockable bin for food waste, which attracts foxes who knock them over, breaking the flimsy lock to get at the contents, which leaves food waste strewn across the pavements or garden steps. I go to the council waste website and check via our post code, what bins go out each week. Because if you put out the wrong bins, they are ignored by the bin men. And, now our Victorian Terrace, over 195 houses are decorated by multicoloured bins in front gardens standing proudly in rows, as keeping numerous bins in the back garden and trundling them round to the front each Thursday is hard work, so somehow a collective decision has been made by all of the owners or tenants to leave the lot at the front, which spoils the street scene that the council so snobbily pronounced of "unspoiled Victorian Terraces, apart from one ugly UPVC porch (ours)) when they made it a conservation area. These houses were built in the late 1890's through to 1902 (ours) as working peoples cottages, two up and two down. Fortunately ours was upgraded to three bedrooms, bathroom and inside facilities long before we bought it.