Sunday 27 September 2020

Times have changed.

I am afraid my communications have got worse. The new ipad is mow disabled. I apparently threw a great deal of money away. I am in touch with Apple but they are not helpful...the inference is that its all my fault and thats probably true but there is no attempt at fixing it. So I have a very grand looking but useless new ipad sitting by the bed...looking at me reproachfully! Yesterday feeling fed up by the afternoon I drove off to my old village where I used to live. The lovely little chapel was locked...for the first time I think so I wandered along the harbour wall gazing out to sea. Several shops were open and there were alot of visitors so I went for a glass of wine in the pub. Everyone I saw wore a mask. I had left mine at home and was surprised to find people serving drinks behind tiny squares of cloth. I ended by apologising for not wearing was a very different kind of a day. Next time I go out I must remember to take one with me. But going out just now is very frustrating. No one behaves as they always have done in the past. We are gripped by the pandemic I am afraid...and thats the point I think. I hadnt seen it before...but we are all too aware that something unseen can strike us and make us ill or worse...Yesterdays outing has brought very serious its unlikely I will go out again today. Its safer at home ....just more frustrating.


UKViewer said...

It is quite easy to forget to take a mask, its not a natural thing to do. But it becomes second nature. I now have a mask in every pocket, just in case.

As for the Ipad, you might still be in warranty for it, so I would challenge them over their apparent "blase" attitude. Threaten them with "Charge back" which you are entitled to do, if the good supplied are not up to spec. Or alternatively, trading standards, who might jump at the chance to hang an Apple Services scalp on their list cases.

If the item is still new, they have a responsibility under consumer regulations to give you the help that you need. I know why I am not an Apple customer, and if I have problems with my computer, I can normally sort it myself.

barb m said...

The pub should have spare masks to give to customers who turn up without one as they do in most establishments. It’s amazing how used you get to wearing one I often forget I have it on at times.