Friday 5 March 2021

St Pirans Day!

Several small mysteries have turned up this morning. I am not listing them all but it turns out to be St Pirans Day! Some strange messages have arrived but strange daft rather than threatening. I am very slow in getting started today. I just want to sleep through everything thats going on right now. Several large bright cocks have walked across the yard outside. They didnt say much so I am presuming I am halucinating! Life just gets stranger in this small corner of the world Gool Peran Lowen turns out to be be Happy St Pirans Day! So thats alright then. Life just continues ...often weird but always definately Cornish. I love living here with all its strangeness so Happy St Pirans Day to you all! Enjoy it. I will!


Bob Collis said...

Stay safe and well Jean.
Have a good day.

Martha's Sister said...

Hello Jean. Hope you had a good St Pirans Day.
I’d never heard of this until yesterday when it was mentioned in a number of places, including your blog!
You are really ‘on trend’ 😊😊