Wednesday 10 March 2021

The big move!

Well I am up, dressed and moving reasonably well without pain! I have published a picture of my dog, Crispn. I took it on our first day in Cornwall. We had lived in Essex for his first few years so the move to Cornwall was both long and exciting. This time we were not going back. Essex was fine...but it lacked the joy of Cornwall. We had moved there to have easy access to the City. My first husband David was a senior bank manager in the few square miles of the city of London and had also worked in the newly erected tower. These were exciting times. But not as exciting as taking my dog to live in the lovely village where I had bought a house! The photo shows Crispin finding his way around our new garden! So many was the year 2000..... a time of exciting change for us both. The photo captures the excitement and the joy! I have never regretted that move. It was the right thing at the right time. ...for us both.


Martha's Sister said...

Hi Jean.
Dogs are fabulous aren’t they!
Thanks for sharing the story about Crispin.
Sadly I cannot see a picture.
Hope you’ve had a good day. It’s very wet and windy here in the East.

UKViewer said...

200 was auspicious year for me. I was promoted and posted from East London to Canterbury, my last posting, as I was to retire from there in 2009. This meant a daily return journey of 102 miles, but it was well worth it. I travelled all over South East England to our unit outstations a far away as Brighton and Portsmouth as well as in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. The delights of being part of a regional, reserve unit.