Wednesday 12 May 2021

A Quiet Life!

I had a very welcome visitor last night. We talked for a long time and after she had gone I realised how much I had missed casual conversation on a daily basis. So today its back to what has become normal now. I have walked the garden with no sound coming from the cliff path. I really dont feel lonely most of the time but I did enjoy some company last night. I havnt heard the cock crow either...its very quiet out there! So its back to the radio for now. It is odd that I am missing sound when a short while ago it would have irritated me. So times are changing . And I must change too I realise...I cant remain in the safe place I used to inhabit... Oddly whilst writing that I hear on the radio a discussion on the same subject. Another strange coincidence. Lockdown has made us into different people as we find our own ways of not catching the virus. Staying quietly at home with the odd visitor suits me fine...I can do this!

1 comment:

Martha's Sister said...

Good morning Jean.
Pleased to read you had a visitor and a good chat.
Things are certainly opening up now but it is interesting that many of us are in no rush to go back to the frantic busy lives we had previously. Taking it slowly will be my plan!
Hope you have a good day. I’m off to the next village to meet an old friend by a lake for an al fresco coffee! Hoping the showers keep away!