Thursday 22 July 2021

Still at home!

Well...I slept very well despite the heat! I had to force mself up when I realised how late it was....I could easily have gone back to sleep! Its very quiet out there! The number of cars on the road are light...hardly any compared to last week. So I assume most of our visitors have now gone home. So all is well. Sorry I realise this is boring...but for me boring is good. It means I can just quietly get on with everyday life and maybe plan for whats going to happen next. I spent some time yesterday reading old blog posts and was shocked when I found the ones for last Christmas. They are mostly fiction. I did not go to our grand hotel as I had planned to do. I stayed here on my own perfectly happy to have avoided all the people who were there the year before! I suspect I kept up a fictitious account of my stay at the hotel in order to keep visitors away. People are very good and very kind but they believe they have to look after me because I am old! Having now spent a month or so alone most of the time I feel capable of proving thst I can still survive by myself. This pandemic has compicated everything obviously...but I will not be booking myself into anything this year either. Home is safe! And much cheaper than that huge hotel!


UKViewer said...

I don't remember fiction, I do remember plans which didn't happen, because you decided that you would be safer at home. At least that is my memory? Obviously I wasn't reading between the lines.

I believe that you are just fine, fit and well, just prone to password night mares. And the unfortunate act of God that caused enormous damage to your house, which denuded your bank account.

And you have all of your marbles in a row, which is more than can be said for me. I try, but things don't work out just as I would like. perhaps God has other plans for me.

One thing I do know is that I am to old for the new church initiatives to form 20,000 new worshiping communities through mission, outreach and home churches, full of young(ish) Evangelicals trained via HTB (Other evangelical training centres are available, but invisible) as the Bishops seem to have signed up to some grandiose plan to have Lay Led Churches as small as 10 or as large as thousands. Clergy don't seem to be part of the plan as someone from this cohort described them as impediments to mission?

If they try to do it to our parish, I will retire and snipe from the sidelines. Luckily I handed the actual mechanism to do this in when I retired.

We are now looking for a new Diocesan Bishop, surely its time we had a female in post to keep all of those male Clergy in line. What about you? Should I put your name forward?,,,,

Revjeanrolt said...

That made me laugh...thank you!