Sunday, 12 September 2021

Back to normal?

Well....another strange Sunday! As far as I know there are almost no services anywhere close by. But the visitors seem to have gone home anyway! A quick stroll around the garden revealed no sounds...nothing is moving on the road! Have all our visitors gone home? Either that or they are still in bed! The odd car can be heard...but mostly the road is very very quiet! We seem to have gone back to Normal! I am not sure if thats good news or bad news! I will not see anyone today I think but I may use my phone at some stage! The radio is providing the sound of normality just about! A bottle of Irish scotch sits next to the radio this morning...its still more or less full...I only drank about half an inch last night! Considering it is actually Irish Scotch its going down very slowly...I am determined not to become a serious drinker during this trying time! Whilst Ive been writing this I have only heard one car going its true...everyone has gone home...and we are now back to normal! I think thats a good thing...but I am not sure! I like peope.......mostly. Looking around my office I see great piles of paper on my desk....I obviously need to do some tidying up! Maybe tomorrow whilst my cleaner is here!

1 comment:

Martha's Sister said...

Good morning Jean. I’m surprised there are no church services near you, but then I don’t know your local geography!
Everything is pretty much back to normal here- subject to constraints because of lack of clergy and lay leaders.

Hope you may get out and about somewhere if that’s what you wish!