Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Black Coffee?

Oh dear! Thank goodness for the BBC which is giving the impression of normality at least. I feel sick after just one sip of the black coffee by my side. No milk! We used all we had yesterday! I find I can drink black coffee but not much before nausea hits me. It is very quiet out side but it is actually raining. This wont stop me from walking later..but I am now fed up! This morning theres no relief in the shape of my cleaner...its just me all day! I am blowing my nose a lot just now...hoping that I am not starting a cold! My boiler room has flooded during the night . The water has got further in than usual. I will sweep some of it out later...but this is a problem I have had before. It usually clears up eventually... I am very fed up this morning...and can find nothing good to make me feel any better. At least I dont need to go and queue for fuel. I am not going anywhere! Hearing what is going on up country is very depressing..I understand the need to get essential igredients in. But as I no longer have anyone relient on my efforts it really doesnt matter if there are things I havnt got! I dont actually want to drink black coffee much of the time..something sugery would suit me better! At that point I got up to turn the radio off and fell over...My balance seems to have gone. Oh dear! Ok hours later I finally left the safety of the sofa and although I felt sick presumed I was safe because I had had no food. I was wrong. I still threw up! arghhhhh!


Martha's Sister said...

Oh Jean, I do hope the day has improved and you are feeling better

Babs said...

I was always running out of milk. So I stocked up on long life UHT.