Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Carrying on.

I was awake very early and then went back to sleep! So now I am up and dressed it is quite late! I seem to be the only resident in this group of four houses....there is no sign of anyone else just now . Even the cars are not in evidence! So my stroll was padticularly quiet this morning! Theres not much traffic on the road eithet so we are getting back to normal! At some stage I must go out....I cant spend too much time here on my own...if only to reassure myself that other people have also survived! The phone hasnt rung either...But thats OK too...I can do alone! My Tesco delivery came yesterday as planned and I now have a full fridge and a scary number of bottles! They are not all booze...but there is certainly enough of the hard stuff to keep me fairly happy for a while! So this is what survival feels like...knowing there is enough food and drink tucked away to keep me alive . The traffic on the road really is very light indeed...I could get used to solitude...if I am not careful! This morning i have yet to listen to the news! I am assuming that the world is as I left it yesterday! I really do need to tidy up a bit! But first I have to stop sneezing!

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