Monday, 6 September 2021

Quiet now!

Another beautiful day. Its much quieter here now and my early morning stroll was very beautiful indeed. This morning my cleaner will arrive so we will have our morning coffee together whilst we put the world to rights! She will know how many cases of the virus have turned up recently. My instncts are still to stay here on my own. She goes to several people doing her job so she always knows whats going on. Over the weekend I have seen a couple of people and we all agree that we are very fortunate here. One of my best friends has gone home up country during the weekend and I shall miss him. But I still have the phone! This bill will be much bigger than usual during this period. But as theres not much to buy just now I think it will all be alright! But I have got used to company now so I must stay here at home on my own for a little while and try not to chat too much on the phone! Oddly there are very many adverts coming for jewellry on the net just now. Are people really buying rings and necklaces during this pandemic? Maybe the number of adverts suggest not. I have just sipped my now repid coffee! Its time to stop!


UKViewer said...

It is good to hear that is is a bit quieter there. And you appear and sound content with things.

I find that if I do a google search, all of a sudden I am bombarded with adverts, wherever I go on the internet for the thing I googled for

I was checking out electric roller garage doors, now I see them everywhere. I won't be tempted I am waiting for a local installer to give us a price. Waiting as usual.

I hope that you have a great week.

Martha's Sister said...

Good afternoon Jean. I hope you and your cleaner have had a good chat and put the world to rights! Someone certainly needs to do so!
It’s odd about adverts isn’t it.
A friend of mine recently had one for Funeral Plans swiftly followed by another for Coffins.
He’s wondering what Google knows about him that he doesn’t!!
I’m about to sit in the garden with a book as the sun is shining and it is warm this afternoon! Hooray!
Hope your day is going well