Friday, 24 September 2021

The Gardener!

Having woken very late I have now found several things needing my attention...not least the gardener out there. Spending far too much time wide awake during the night I finally fell asleep at a time when I should been up and moving ! The first thing to do after getting dressed was check if I had enough cash in the house to pay him. I had thank goodness! As yet there is no sound of machinery out there and I have no idea what he might be doing! Very soon I will invite him in to have a drink with me and all seems well despite my over sleeping! I had a visitor last night too. And its very good that people are taking the trouble to make sure I am still alive ! Hearing no sound outside I have no idea what he is doing ...but I am sure he will be doing something useful because he always does! Having heard the news on the radio I am now feeling very glad we have never had gas down here...When I first moved from Essex it was an irritation but now its a relief...I feel very sorry for those who are finding themselves struggling. The sun shines again..its quite warm and my first coffee has gone down quite well...Im not really all that awake at the moment but I am getting thete!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

A late night and a lay in are not a problem methinks I hope your day has been fruitful and fund.