Saturday 2 October 2021

Second attempt!

Somewhere I have already posted but it seems to have disappeared! I havnt not slept well because a noise is coming from my phone...I have tried to turn it off but it persists. It is a sharp little bleep! No idea what is causing it or how to stop it! I dare not eat because I already feel sick! The truly amazing thing is how many lovely messages i have had. I am very grateful to everyone seems I am not alone! I would be very grateful if anyone knew how to turn the bleep off because Ive failed . Sorry to be such a misery but thats how I am feeling right now...and the constant bleep is making it worse. Anyone able to help would be very welcome! I hope this post doesnt join the last one!

1 comment:

Revjeanrolt said...

The good news is that finally the bleeping has stopped! This whole episode has been a mystery but hopefully getting to normal now seems possible. Many thanks for all your kind wishes...they are very much appreciated.