Wednesday, 6 October 2021


Oh dear....having been awake all night I have lost count now of how often I have been sick. ... a lot! Ive called the doctor who will ring me back. But I think I am not the only one with this problem. I am sitting on a couch with a bucket next to me ...just in case ...but as I am frightened to eat or drink anything there cant be anything left now. So I have joined the number of sick people here on the Roseland. I have no idea what comes next. At my age death is always a possibility. I feel very weak.....not like myself at all. I need to sleep now but every time I close my eyes I worry in case its the last time so I suppose that means that I am not yet ready to die! I feel cross that somehow I have managed to pick this thing up. I did my best not to! So all I can do now is my age no one is going to miss me if I die tomorrow...but I might not have that long! Its amazing that despite everything I still go on blogging....but it feels normal in a world where nothing else is. So if this blog stops dont think the worst has happened..give me a few days to recover! I am not yet ready to go!


Revjeanrolt said...

Got as far as mid day anyway! My main problem is the noise coming …every minute or so there is a loud bleat! I have no idea what caused it…or how to turn it off. But it is not conducive to quiet sleep. It only started after the doctor had called…but it seems to be something I set up myself years ago! That should mean I could turn it off too but so far I have failed. All I’ve had today is about an inch of a glass of wine And while I was typing that the noise stopped! It did this yesterday so it’s scheduled…if I could find out where I could sort it because if I don’t it will start again. Oh hell!

UKViewer said...

Oh Dear is an expression I don't often use. Surely your GP could prescribe something to kill a bug (if that is what it is). Prayers for your well being.

Bob Collis said...

Oh dear Jean.
So sorry to hear you are feeling sick.
Hope it is nothing serious and that you make a speedy and full recovery. said...

On Monday the first of 10 programmes about housing looked at a 17th century former fisherman’s cottage in St Mawes. It is broadcast on Radio 4 weekdays at 1.45 pm, Knowing that you have holiday lets nearby I thought the programme may be of interest to you.

Hope the bleating is sorted, could there be some electrical appliance hidden away in a cupboard or drawer?

Rat Bites said...

Can you keep a note of the times it starts and stops? Might give you a clue which device it is.
And if you've a land line, check the receiver is properly seated. That one has occasionally taken me hours to trace!
I'm sometimes tempted to envy my OH, who is deaf enough to lead a blissfully bleep-free existence. But it's a bit of a responsibility knowing I'm the only one who can hear the smoke alarms - even when he's stood right under one!
May your doctor soon find a solution to your other trouble.