Sunday 7 November 2010

New use for kneelers

Lovely morning in church. The baptism of a small child is always special but on this occasion it was even more special because I knew the family fairly well having sung in the same choir as his grandmother and walked my dog with his grandfather most mornings for years..
The baby's mum was a local girl who rowed in one of the gigs here and we had the entire club standing as a guard of honour with raised oars at the church door when I married her two years ago.
The baby was already walking and came in with his dad, a local farmer and their dog a black ,glossy coated Labrador. They sat together in the front pew and I told them I didn't mind the toddler moving up and down the aisle if that's what he wanted to do so naturally after a few trips up and down he started to collect things instead, mostly kneelers which he used like giant bricks, at one stage trying to climb a tower made of them. The dog sat patiently watching all this and gave the boy a friendly lick and nudge occasionally.
The child allowed me to anoint him with oil and to wet his head with great good humor and came for a walk with me around the church to meet his new family.
It was quiet and peaceful and full of joy and even the one man left for miles around who is anti woman priest gave me very nice compliments at the end.
I do know how lucky I am.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

What a lovely post. You paint a very vivid picture of what should be, but isn't always, a very happy occasion.