Tuesday 1 March 2011

Lovely Roseland

This morning I needed to run my car for a while after its total failure to get me to the church on time last weekend. I went to St Mawes where class one waited for me in perfect order as we prepared to baptise the baby. I had taken a toy rabbit as well so Megan and Flopsy were duly christened and the class were perfect. The parents and the God parents had been rehearsed in their role and the whole class showed interest and asked some very good questions. It was a great pleasure to have then there.
Then off we went my little Beetle and I along the highways and by lanes of the Roseland. All the verges were full of daffodils, primroses peeped out of grassy banks and soon the bluebell spears will start to emerge from old stone walls. It was absolutely beautiful. What a contrast to the angst of the weekend. I took the opportunity to call in at the local garden centre and got  two new shrubs and some hyacinths, already forced out, in their pots. They are now in the house and their scent is filling the hall.  God is Good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me so homesick for the lanes in Oxfordshire (I know they are probably a month behind y'all in Cornwall in sprouting flowers, but I still miss them).