Sunday 21 October 2018

All my fault.

Having had a sleepless night worrying about the coming decorator I am cross with myself for not putting him off.
It’s too late now.
I have considered paying him for the paint as well as his time and just asking him to wait till the next time I’m away....but that’s the daft way round it. Not to mention cowardly.
I shall just have to go into my office and hide. I need one room to retreat into....
My office has a couch, my computer, a loo and books...everything I need....more or less.
Outside right now it’s foggy....perfectly reflecting my mood.
One friend who doesn’t live here arrived this weekend....another is expected soon. I have already put one of them off...she wouldn’t be able to park anyway!
Another old friend arrives during the week...I’ll decide what to do with him once the work has begun.
I am aware that I’m being a wimp. I thank those of you who have told me the good points of having a beautiful blue hall. I’m just getting too old....
Today being Sunday I will pray.
Providing I can get my head into the right place....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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