Thursday, 14 March 2019

Leisure time!

The old friend I visited yesterday greeted me with the words..."Are you still retired? "
Yes I am.
I am finding my new found leisure very pleasant . Having nothing in my diary is new to me but to my surprise I’m enjoying it.
I’m staying well clear of the local churches......
A new feeling of freedom wakes up with me daily. I like it.
It’s giving me time to follow the strange turns being taken in the weird Brexit mess we are living through right now.
The only problem is that I have to check what day it is most seems to be a Thursday. But there’s nothing to indicate that unless I look at my iPad.
These days of freedom sit well with me.
I’m not feeling neglected or unwanted...I just have time to start to be me again...
My dog collar stays in its drawer.
Various friends are amused by all this but not surprised I think.
I’ve gone back to writing something I started years ago. My life story has reached the part where I left it during my very busy period.
I stopped during the time when I was rushing from one church to another most weeks...but I can now pick it up again....the only problem would be that no one would believe some of it....I don’t!
There is also time to follow the parliamentary story unfolding as I type.
I still have the ethic sitting inside me that I don’t watch television during the day...because it’s decadent . But listening to the radio keeps me fully abreast of the news.
I retired as a teacher thirty odd years ago...and enjoyed my new life till the church got me but I can do this...I have had practice! Thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Rat Bites said...

Have "the local churches" made no effort to come to you? Are you perhaps in a virtual congregation (apart from this one)?

Hermitage is good, and you deserve your peace and rest: but do not deprive yourself of the love and strengthening of the Holy Sacrament for too long. It's the lone sheep the wolf eyes with special appetite :(

All love to you - you are always in my prayers.

Revjeanrolt said...

Thank you so much....I really appreciate that. I still have my communion kit intact. When I give various people their wafer I will include myself.... lone sheep!

UKViewer said...

You are retired in heart, not so sure about Spirit?

Priesthood marks you indelibly with the Holy Spirit and I believe that is permanent. So, not in Active ministry, but you remain a Priest in the Church of God.

I believe that your ministry is now here. Sharing your life, the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, all in good spirit and heart. I don't hear any self pity, just a freedom of living and loving it.