Tuesday 26 March 2019

Parliamentary chaos.

Well, , it’s not boring is it?
What to make of yesterday’s events in Parliament is today’s puzzle.
Yesterday afternoon I spent some time following a dialogue between the Prime minister and the people to which I was directed by one of the news apps on my iPad.
It was obvious that her mindset was fixed. Nothing could dent her self confidence. Her deal was the only deal.
This was then acted out in Parliament.
Last night finally after several attempts Mrs May lost her control over parliament when a vote was taken to give Parliament the ability to propose and vote on different steps to be taken.
And still she remains in place.
Anyone who thought that she would resign after suffering a massive defeat were wrong.
Mrs May is driven. When she became the leader of the Conservative party it was on the basis that she would steer her party and her country through the next difficult months.
Her determination to fulfil that promise has now led to complete parliamentary chaos.
Parliament has taken over the process...Mrs May is not giving in. It’s going to be a very interesting day....
That we are able to actually observe this process is astonishing.
Mrs May has refused to listen to anyone else including very experienced politicians.
Today, after a nights sleep listening to the politicians on the radio I see no easy way out of any of this.
None of the people who might be elected to lead their party through this mess are people I would trust to do it.
A general election is called for now I think but not yet....we still have to get through this Brexit process of leaving Europe.
The days this week allotted to trying to get some sense out of it all are going to be very interesting but also worrying...
I shudder to think what our European partners are making of all this. Or indeed the rest of the world.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I believe that Europeans are thinking that Great Britain is now a 'hasbeen'

What a cabal of mixed up fools is all that I can say.