Wednesday 23 October 2019

La La Land? 

Gosh! It’s hard to decide whether the news is good or bad right now.  Ken Clarke on the radio has actually talked sense which is more than I can say for the younger version in power right now. 

I am dismayed by the route being taken by our Prime Minister to try to get what he wants. Thank goodness some older more sensible politicians are speaking up. Boris Johnson wants an election it seems.   Does he really think that his antics are going to make us vote for him? 

Everyone I’ve spoken to since I got home has  been appalled by the "Do or Die " tone  taken by our PM.  No one seems to believe that he is capable of anything other than papering his own nest. Having achieved power he seems to have no idea how to use it! Thank goodness Parliament will temper any wild schemes he puts in place. 

Whilst I’ve been out of the country everything at home seems to exist in some sort of LaLa land. I find myself listening throughout the house as I go. Who knows what might happen next? 

This cannot be good for anyone. I wish I could believe it will all get sorted out by having an election...but we seem fairly evenly divided. 

To leave or remain?   I just want some settled  grown up government.  Please! 

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

It looks like Borish is running scared of an election and is waiting to see what sort of extension is granted by the EU. He wants to get his deal through Parliament first. Than leave and have an election.

Labour is running scared as well, as despite the rhetoric of their marxist leader, they know that their performance in the polls is poor and their last minute jump on the Peoples Vote band wagon, has damaged their standing among their own voters. Too much prevarication methinks.

So, it is all up in the air, we await the EU decision and perhaps we might than get the deal being fully discussed and passed. And leave, than a 12 months transition when nothing changes while we discuss trade and other stuff, than if we don't agree that, we crash out anyway. Just putting off the no deal for a year.

This could be a "cunning plan", but the opposition could have a break, and than start all over again in a years time.

A general election won't put either Tory or Labours into power. We are to divided for that. More likely a hung parliament and more of the same, unless we get a government of National Unity under the likes of Ken Clark or even Theresa May, to sort out the mess and to take the country forward.

The one person who must not take power is Ian Duncan Smith, who gave us the Universal Credit and benefits policy which is keeping people poor and using food banks, neither George Osborne, who would be a disaster. And if Farage gains power, I might migrate to Europe for ever.