Thursday 21 November 2019


It’s dark outside at eight o’clock this really is winter.  

The news feels wintery  too right now.  ....  the Royal family being pulled into a sleazy sex story is just depressing.  

So far the new Lib Dem leader has not impressed. She is far too excited by being thrust into the spotlight. 

The general election coming up has brought some weird television moments  not least yesterday when we were treated to all three parties declaring wonderful things to come.  I realise that that is their job but a bit of realism would go down well  right now.  

Brexit has a lot to answer for...because every new idea that the leaders propose seems to be based on our leaving Europe!  Or not! Looking at all of them trying hard to get our vote could just make me stay at home on Election Day...

Brexit used as a swear word seems reasonable to me! 

This morning I have an appointment with the doctor in the next village...not my idea but I am informed that my yearly check is due.  So I’m taking my black eyes with me....

They are not actually black any and Itchy  describes them better.....but off we will go shortly....providing my neglected car starts!  

It’s very quiet out there....very little traffic for a’s time to leave my! 

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

We note the silence of the man to blame, David Cameron who broke the country for fear of his own back benchers.

He seemed genuinely surprised by what he unleashed and cut and run before the dust settled, and left us with the legacy of division, hatred and lies.

This election seems to be styled on that of Trump in the USA, lies, lies and even more lies. How are we supposed to filter the truth from that>

I still vote Green, because they've told fewer lies than the rest and have stuck to their agenda of saving the planet from a socialist stand point, not like those who are making fantastical promises that we can't possibly afford without impoverishing the whole nation for generations to come.